Comprehensive communications package for musician Joshua Aubrey Jackson

I’ve had a long and fruitful partnership with songwriter Joshua Aubrey Jackson, and I was able to provide a comprehensive communications package for his latest releases. This included:

  • An artist website built from scratch (visit here)
  • Publicity copy for two album releases (read here and here)
  • Marketing and PR strategies for two album releases
  • An in-depth essay for one album release (read here)

Electronic press kit for Make Sure

I created this electronic press kit for Make Sure’s most recent record release. My work included the writing of a short and long bio that have been used in various online places, such as Spotify and Bandcamp. I was also heavily involved in the design of the web page and the creation of an album credits and lyric sheet. You can view the project here.

Artist bio for John Van Deusen

This piece is my first completed freelance assignment. I wrote both a short and a long version of an artist bio for musician John Van Deusen, incorporating input from him, his management and his label, Tooth & Nail Records. These bios will be included in all press packages sent out for this album cycle. They will also be used by the record label that is handling distribution in EU/CA, DevilDuck Records. You can read the piece here.

Brand journalism feature on Joshua Jackson

This piece was written for Renew the Arts as a brand journalism-styled public relations piece, promoting a long-time partner artist who had recently changed the official name of his creative outlet. The piece was also designed to drive traffic to the website and engagement on social media. To date, both the original blog post and the initial social media blasts have been some of the most successful executions of communications strategy at Renew the Arts (based on site views and social media impressions). You can read the full piece on Renew the Arts here.